National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy released

National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy released banner with a technical image of a person using a laptop.

This story was first published on Monday 5 August 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

The department has released the National Digital Research Infrastructure (NDRI) Strategy.

The strategy sets out a vision that ensures Australian researchers continue to have access to cutting-edge NDRI.

With the ever-increasing digitalisation of Australia’s research sector, NDRI is expected to play a critical role in supporting Australian researchers across all disciplines.

By 2030, Australia’s NDRI system aims to be:

  • underpinned by training frameworks to maintain a highly skilled workforce
  • responsive to technological and societal change
  • consistent in its data standards
  • integrated across computing and data infrastructure
  • cybersecure
  • maximised through open software tools.

The development of the NDRI Strategy was a key recommendation in the 2021 National Research Infrastructure (NRI) Roadmap to address the growing data and computing needs of Australian researchers, maintain research excellence and remain competitive on the international stage.

The department worked closely with the research community during the development of the strategy to ensure their views were reflected in the final document.

The department will be engaging with the research community to implement the strategy. An independent NDRI Working Group will use community input and feedback to inform the development of investment plans, due for release in 2025.

The investment plans will be funded as part of the $4 billion National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), which provides Australian researchers with access to the tools, equipment, data and services they need for world-class research.

To read the strategy, visit National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy.

Correct at time of publication.