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Objective: Improve the information available for teacher workforce planning.

25. Develop and publish nationally consistent teacher workforce projections based on consistent standards, disaggregated at a regional level and by subject specialisation, to enable a national understanding of teacher demand
These projections will be developed and published by Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership leveraging current data sharing arrangements with the Australian Teacher Workforce Data in partnership with jurisdictions, sectors, and unions.
26. Develop and publish nationally consistent initial teacher education (ITE) graduate supply data, including disaggregated by subject specialisation and participation in ITE at the regional level, to enable a national understanding of teacher supply
This data will be developed and published by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership leveraging current data sharing arrangements with the Australian Teacher Workforce Data in partnership with jurisdictions, sectors, higher education providers and unions and will also consider attrition rates and why students are leaving ITE courses.
27. Develop and publish data about teacher wellbeing and career intentions
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) will work to incorporate additional questions related to teacher wellbeing and career intentions into the Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD) survey. AITSL will work in consultation with jurisdictions, sectors, and the teacher workforce to develop appropriate survey questions, to ensure an ongoing ability to monitor trends. This data will inform the development of initiatives to improve retention in the teacher workforce.
As part of this work, AITSL, working with states and territories and sectors, will commit to increasing the teacher response rate to the ATWD Teacher Survey.
Through a commitment by all Australian governments, participation in the Organisation for Economic Co‑Operation and Development’s Teaching and Learning International Survey of Teachers and Principals in 2024 has enabled the inclusion of additional survey questions on the wellbeing and career intentions of our teachers and principals. This will provide further data to refine the development of initiatives to improve retention.