First Nations Languages Education Program

The Australian Government recognises the importance of supporting the learning and teaching of First Nations languages and is investing in a First Nations Languages Education program. The Department of Education is partnering with First Languages Australia to deliver a flexible program to meet the diverse language education needs and aspirations of participating First Nations communities.

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About the program

The Australian Government has committed $14 million to increase the First Nations language teaching workforce and strengthen First Nations language learning in primary schools through community-led relationships with schools.

The Department of Education is partnering with First Languages Australia, the national peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language, to deliver the program.

Expressions of interest

Expressions of interest are currently open. Interested communities can submit their EOI to First Languages Australia via an online form until 28 February 2024. Please visit the First Languages Australia website for more information.

First Languages Australia will work with each community who submits an EOI to understand their local language needs, support them to identify partner schools and develop a language plan that maps the pathway for the placement of educators within schools.

Communities who complete a language plan with First Languages Australia will then be invited to apply for a grant.

When will the grant round open?

We anticipate that the grant round will open in early 2024. Grant Opportunity Guidelines will be published on GrantConnect when available and a notice will be placed on this page. The grant round will remain open until all funds are committed.

Communities who have not submitted an EOI and developed a language plan with First Languages Australia will not be able to apply for a grant. We encourage interested communities to submit their EOI as soon as possible.

Key Dates

07 December 2023 – Expressions of Interest open

Early 2024 (anticipated) – Grant round open

28 February 2024 – Expressions of Interest close

More information

Please check this website regularly for updates on opportunities to be involved, grant eligibility, guidelines, and key dates.

For questions related to the program, you can contact the First Nations Languages Education team at