Quality Initial Teacher Education Review

The Quality Initial Teacher Education Review (the Review) has now concluded and the Australian Government has released the final report.

In response to the Review, the Australian Government is establishing a new Teacher Education Expert Panel.

Final report

Next Steps: Report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review

The final report was released on 24 February 2022. It outlines the findings of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review. The Expert Panel has made recommendations across three key areas:

  • Attracting high-quality, diverse candidates into initial teacher education
  • Ensuring their preparation is evidence-based and practical
  • Supporting early years teachers.

View the final report


Initial teacher education (ITE) aims to ensure that graduate teachers start their teaching career with the necessary knowledge, skills and dispositions to be successful teachers in any Australian school.

On 11 March 2021, the Hon Alan Tudge MP delivered a speech which highlighted the importance of ITE and announced a review into ITE.

The Review was launched in April 2021, with the announcement of the Terms of Reference and an Expert Panel.

The Review focused on two points:

  1. Attracting and selecting high-quality candidates into the teaching profession
  2. Preparing ITE students to be effective teachers

Stakeholder consultation

Throughout the consultation phase of the Review, the Expert Panel met with a variety of education stakeholders. They heard from teachers, principals, ITE students and people considering a career in teaching and many others through surveys, focus groups, webinars, a workshop and the submissions process. The consultation phase of the Review concluded in August 2021.

Stakeholder submissions

Stakeholders made 242 written submissions in response to the discussion paper and consultation sessions. Where permission has been given, submissions from those stakeholders have been published.

View stakeholder submissions