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Increased funding for ACT public schools
On Tuesday, 19 November 2024, the Australian and Australian Capital Territory (ACT) governments have signed a groundbreaking Bilateral Agreement to deliver more Commonwealth funding to public schools in the ACT.
Applications open for the Tertiary Access Payment
Up to $5,000 is available for Year 12 graduates from regional or remote areas leaving home to study at university.
Approved providers and courses
Following is a list of providers and courses approved under the Women in STEM Cadetships and Advanced Apprenticeships (Women in STEM) Program.
Australian Universities Accord: 2024-25 MYEFO Summary
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The 2024-25 MYEFO delivers the next steps in the Government’s reforms of the tertiary education system.
Parent Engagement Research and Resources
Below are links to key resources as well as a list of research material to support parent engagement.
Heads of Agreement (Better and Fairer Schools Agreement 2025-2034)
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The Better and Fairer Schools Agreement 2025-2034 (the Agreement) is an agreement between the Commonwealth, states and territories to help create a better and fairer education system for all students.
In Home Care exemption to qualification declaration and information form
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This form is for early childhood education and care providers who wish to engage In Home Care (IHC) educators who do not meet minimum qualification requirements to work with families in remote or very remote areas.
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Allocation Report
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The Higher Education Support (Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy) Guidelines 2022 requires higher education providers who charge a student services and amenities fee (SSAF) to provide a publicly available report on S
Practicum exchange living allowance applications open
Early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers can now apply for a living allowance for educators who complete practicums in rural and remote areas.
Connected Beginnings is expanding in the ACT
The Australian Government is expanding the Connected Beginnings program in the Australian Capital Territory.
Expert Member Biographies
Expert Members are experienced international education experts and practitioners who collectively provide the Australian Government with targeted and effective advice from the most authoritative sector voices.
Employment of First Nations individuals in the Department of Education
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Information relating to the employment of First Nations individuals in the Department of Education.
Applications open for professional development subsidies
Applications are now open for round 2 of the 2024–25 professional development subsidies.
Australian Catholic University CGS Funding Agreement 2024-25
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Australian Catholic University 2024-2025 CGS Funding Agreement - December 2024.