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Tasmania Bilateral Agreement (Better and Fairer Schools Agreement)
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Tasmania Bilateral Agreement under the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement.
Western Australia Bilateral Agreement (Better and Fairer Schools Agreement)
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Western Australia Bilateral Agreement under the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement.
Ensuring quality and safety in early childhood education and care
We're ensuring quality and safety in services that don't operate under the National Quality Framework (NQF).
Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System - Summary Report
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The Summary Report was prepared by the Australian Government and highlights the key themes and issues identified in the Expert Panel’s report.
Northern Territory Bilateral Agreement (Better and Fairer Schools Agreement 2025-2034)
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Northern Territory Bilateral Agreement under the Better and Fairer Schools Agreement 2025-2034.
Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System – Terms of Reference
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The Terms of Reference identify five priority areas. The Review will deliver recommendations focused on these themes.
Previous projects
This page details stakeholder consultations undertaken by the Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP)
Professional Pathway Psychology Approved Course List
The psychology courses listed by institution below have been approved by the Department of Education as Professional Pathway Psychology courses.
Professional Pathway Social Work Approved Course List
The social work (including youth work, counselling and community work) courses listed by institution below have been approved by the Department of Education as Professional Pathway Social Work courses.
Education Ministers Meeting Members
The Education Ministers Meeting is attended by Australian, State and Territory government ministers responsible for education.
Gifts and Benefits Register
Gifts and benefits accepted by staff in the Department of Education with a value exceeding $AUD100.00 (excluding GST).
Statement of Intent - Western Australia
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The Australian and Western Australian Governments have signed a Statement of Intent to increase funding for all public schools in Western Australia from 95 per cent of the Schooling Resourcing Standard (SRS) to 100 per cent by 2026.
Statement of Intent - Northern Territory
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The Australian and Northern Territory Governments have signed a Statement of Intent to increase funding for all public schools in Northern Territory to 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) by 2029.
Statement of Intent - Tasmania
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The Australian and Tasmanian Governments have signed a Statement of Intent to increase funding for all public schools in Tasmania to 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) by no later than 2029.
CRICOS courses eligible for extended post-study work rights
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The full list of courses that allow international graduates to receive extended post-study working rights has been released.