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Early childhood's online learning platform turns one
Geccko, a free online learning platform for the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, has marked one year since its launch.
Working with children checks
A working with children check is a safeguard to protect the health and safety of children. Under Family Assistance Law, early childhood education and care providers have specific obligations regarding working with children checks.
Background checks
Certain people at an early childhood education and care service must have background checks. Providers must have evidence of these checks. In some cases, providers must report the details of the checks to us.
How to access the Child Care Subsidy System
The Child Care Subsidy System (CCSS) is the online system we use to administer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). It holds records like enrolments and session reports. This information is used to calculate payments for families.
Early childhood education and care laws
Family Assistance Law (FAL) sets the rules for providers that administer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). The National Law and National Regulations outline the legal obligations of approved providers, nominated supervisors, and educators.
Balancing payments
At the end of each financial year Services Australia compares a family’s income estimate with their actual income to check they got the right amount of Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This process is called balancing.
Financial reporting for large providers
Large early childhood education and care providers must report financial information, including information about revenue, profits, and leasing arrangements.
How to advertise your service
Early childhood education and care providers may not offer certain types of inducements.
What records you need to keep
Under Family Assistance Law (FAL), early childhood education and care providers must keep certain records. This page outlines record keeping requirements and timeframes.
Compliance and enforcement
We undertake compliance activities to help make sure Child Care Subsidy goes to its intended beneficiaries – families. We take enforcement action against providers and services who do not comply with Family Assistance Law (FAL).
Online learning
Get early childhood compliance knowledge online, or Geccko, is our online learning platform for the early childhood education and care sector.
Community Child Care Fund
Grants to help providers and services address barriers to early childhood education and care (ECEC) participation. They’re particularly for disadvantaged, regional and remote, and Indigenous communities.
About early childhood education and care in Australia
High quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) gives children the best start in life. Access to affordable care means parents and carers can work, train, study and volunteer.
Early childhood case studies
Our case studies showcase successful early childhood education and care initiatives.
Provider tool kit
The following are our most commonly used resources for approved providers and services. Find guides, task cards, forms, videos and more.
Case study: Lady Gowrie Tasmania
Tasmanian program gives taste of life working in early childhood education and care
Who can administer Child Care Subsidy
Early childhood education and care providers have specific legal obligations. These obligations are imposed upon certain people. We call these people ‘persons with management or control of the provider’.