We know that you have questions, and this page will help you find the answers. Simply click on one of the topics below for more information.
If you still can’t find the answers you are looking for, check out the Resources and Eligibility and applying pages.
On this page:
I think I made a mistake in my application. What do I do?
If you have made a mistake in your application form or submitted incorrect evidence, you may need to resubmit a new application. You can do so at any time before the application closing date. Applications close 5pm AEDT, Monday 13 January 2025.
If you submit more than one application form, only the latest application received will be assessed (refer to section 7.1 of the Scholarship Guidelines).
Do I have to be accepted and enrolled in an accredited teaching degree before I can apply?
No, you do not have to be accepted into or enrolled in an accredited teaching degree before you apply. However, if you receive a Conditional Offer, you will be asked to provide official evidence of your full-time enrolment in an accredited teaching degree before you can receive a Formal Offer and Scholarship Agreement.
More information about applying is available on the Eligibility and applying page.
There is no option in the application form for the evidence of prior academic achievement that I want to submit. What should I do?
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, you must be able to provide one of the listed forms of academic evidence set out in the CTS Assessment and Selection Policy (section 4.1.1). If you do not have any of these forms of evidence, you are not eligible to apply for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship.
I am applying for a Round 2 scholarship as an undergraduate and have selected high-achieving student with an ATAR of 80 or more or equivalent (undergraduate applicants only), but I am unable to provide the listed forms of evidence. What should I do?
If you are an undergraduate applicant and you select the target cohort option for high-achieving student with an ATAR of 80 or more or equivalent (includes IB, OP, TER, UAI and ENTER), the application form will only allow you to upload the relevant evidence to support this. Acceptable evidence includes an official statement of ATAR, IB, OP results or an official statement of results that were used prior to ATARs (TER, UAI and ENTER).
If you want to submit a different form of evidence in your application, you cannot select the target cohort option for high-achieving student with an ATAR of 80 or more or equivalent.
I am currently completing an accredited teaching degree. Can I apply?
No. If you are currently completing an accredited teaching degree, you are not eligible to apply. The only exception to this is if you commenced an employment-based pathway program that requires you to begin in late 2024. Official evidence from your higher education provider will be required to support this.
I previously commenced an accredited teaching degree, but I withdrew before completing any units or course work. Can I apply?
Yes. However, you will be asked to provide official evidence of your withdrawal if your application progresses to the Conditional Offer stage.
I previously commenced an accredited teaching degree, but I withdrew after completing some units or course work. Can I apply?
You may be able to apply, depending on the date that you formally withdrew from the degree. The Scholarship Guidelines state that applicants cannot have commenced an accredited teaching degree within 2 years of applying in Round 2. Therefore, if you withdrew from your course after January 2023, you are not eligible to apply.
I’m starting an accredited teaching degree in the second semester or study period, am I eligible?
No. You must be starting an accredited teaching degree in the first semester or study period of 2025 to be eligible to apply.
I am an international student living in Australia on a temporary visa. Am I able to apply?
No. To apply for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship, an applicant must be either an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, a holder of a permanent humanitarian visa, or a New Zealand citizen living in Australia.
Find more information about eligibilityHow do I know if I’m eligible to apply?
A detailed list of the eligibility requirements for applying to the Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship Program can be found on the Eligibility and applying page. Additional information is also available in the Assessment and Selection Policy and the Round 2 Scholarship Guidelines.
Please note, the Department of Education cannot provide you with individualised advice on your eligibility or application.
If I applied for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship in Round 1 and was unsuccessful, am I allowed to apply again in Round 2?
If you commenced an accredited teaching degree in 2024, you are not eligible to apply for a scholarship in Round 2.
If you applied in Round 1, but did not commence an accredited teaching degree in 2024, then you may be eligible to apply in Round 2. To be eligible in Round 2, you must be a commencing an accredited teaching degree in the first semester or study period of 2025.
For more details on the eligibility requirements, please refer to the Round 2 Scholarship Guidelines.
I have been told that I need to commence a Bachelor of Education Studies or university pathway program in 2025, before I can enrol in an accredited teaching degree in 2026. Can I apply for a scholarship in Round 2?
No. To apply for a scholarship in Round 2, you must be commencing your studies in an accredited teaching degree in the first semester or study period of 2025. If you are not commencing an accredited teaching degree until the first semester or study period of 2026, you may be eligible to apply for a scholarship in Round 3. More information about Round 3 will be made available in late 2025.
Application requirements
My academic transcript was issued before the higher education provider I attended introduced GPA or WAM scores. What should I include in my application?
If you do not have an overall GPA or WAM on your academic transcript and you are unable to request one from the awarding education institution, you can submit the academic transcript as evidence and an overall score will be calculated on your behalf. The academic transcript must include numeric or letter grades.
I am applying for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship using results from a completed Vocational Education and Training (VET) or TAFE course. What evidence should I provide?
You will need to provide an official VET transcript for your completed course. If your transcript includes competency grades, an overall score will be calculated on your behalf.
I have a PhD, what evidence do I need to provide?
You cannot provide your PhD certificate/testamur as evidence for this scholarship. As PhDs are ungraded, you will need to provide an academic transcript for your next highest graded qualification. This may be from a Masters degree or a Bachelor degree (Honours). A numeric mark or grade is required as the scholarships are allocated on academic merit.
Find more information about required evidenceI am planning to transfer into an undergraduate accredited teaching degree from a non-teaching degree. What do I use for evidence?
To support your application, you are generally required to provide official evidence of your highest completed academic qualification.
However, if you are submitting an undergraduate application and transferring from a non-teaching degree into an accredited teaching degree, you can submit an academic transcript from your partially completed degree as evidence. Your evidence must show that you have completed units in the non-teaching degree within the last year.
What sort of supporting evidence do I need to provide in my application?
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, you must be able to provide one of the listed forms of academic evidence set out in the Assessment and Selection Policy (section 4.1.1 for Undergraduate applicants; section 4.1.2 for Postgraduate applicants).
I am applying for a Round 2 scholarship as an undergraduate. What academic evidence can I provide in my application form?
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, you must be able to provide one of the listed forms of academic evidence set out in the CTS Assessment and Selection Policy (section 4.1.1). If you do not have any of these forms of evidence, you are not eligible to apply for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship.
Evidence that cannot be assessed for a scholarship includes:
- A copy of your Year 12 results (subject grades only)
- An academic transcript from a university/tertiary preparation course
- A letter of early offer/offer into an accredited teaching degree
What does ‘certified copy’ mean?
If you receive a Conditional Offer, you will be required to provide certified copies of your citizenship evidence. A certified copy is a copy (often a photocopy) of a primary document that has on it an endorsement or certificate that it is a true copy of the primary document.
The certification should include the following information:
- I certify that this is a true copy of the document
- Signature
- Name
- Date
- Qualification (e.g. JP, Pharmacist)
It is usual for documents to be certified by a person who is authorised as a witness for statutory declarations under Statutory Declarations Regulations 2023 – Schedule 1. This schedule provides a wide range of authorised occupations and office holders who may certify a document, including, but are not limited to, post office workers, Justice of the Peace, police officer, pharmacist, teacher or lawyer. Finding a suitable person should not normally present a significant difficulty.
You need to ensure your documents have been certified by an authorised individual within the last six months.
I am using a VEVO check as proof of my citizenship status, do I still have to have the check certified?
Yes, you will need to have your VEVO check certified. This can be done by taking a copy (often a photocopy) for certification along with the primary document to a person authorised as a witness for statutory declarations under Statutory Declarations Regulations 2018 – Schedule 1.
Find more informationInitial teacher education degrees and studying
My preferred education degree is not on the AITSL accredited program list. Can I still receive a scholarship if the degree is not accredited?
You must complete an accredited teaching degree to be eligible to receive a scholarship. To check if your preferred degree is accredited, check out the AITSL accredited programs list. If the degree is not on the AITSL list, you may want to contact the delivering higher education provider to check if the degree is undergoing accreditation.
AITSL accredited programs listCan I study part-time if I am a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship recipient?
No. If you receive a scholarship, you must maintain a full-time study load for the duration of your teaching degree. If you choose to change your study load to part-time your scholarship will be withdrawn, and you may be required to repay any scholarship funding already received.
I’m in Western Australia and I intend to enrol in a Graduate Diploma of Teaching. Is this an eligible qualification for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship?
No. Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship recipients can only study in courses that are accredited against the Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures.
In 2024, Western Australian universities introduced a Graduate Diploma of Teaching, enabling students to graduate after one year and teach in Western Australia with provisional registration. However, these Graduate Diplomas are not accredited and therefore not eligible under the Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships Program.
Learn more about study requirementsI have been granted, or will be seeking, recognition of prior learning which may shorten the length of my degree. What impact will that have on my scholarship?
Scholarships provide financial assistance of up to $40,000 (equivalent to $10,000 per year of study), subject to recipients providing evidence of continued full-time enrolment in an accredited teaching degree. Recipients are obligated to teach for a time equivalent to the length of their degree (up to 2 or 4 years).
Recognition of prior learning may impact the amount of scholarship funding you receive. For example, if you complete your undergraduate degree in 3 years, you will receive $30,000 and will be required to teach for 3 years (full-time equivalent) to fulfil your commitment to teach obligation.
You will need to provide evidence of the approved recognition of prior learning, and your expected completion or graduation date if you receive a Conditional Offer.
I have accelerated my accredited teaching degree and will complete it earlier than anticipated. What impact will that have on my scholarship?
Scholarships provide financial assistance of up to $40,000 (equivalent to $10,000 per year of study), subject to recipients providing evidence of continued full-time enrolment in an accredited teaching degree. Recipients are obligated to teach for a time equivalent to the length of their degree (up to 2 or 4 years).
If you accelerate your degree, you are still completing the same accredited teaching degree but in a shorter amount of time. Accelerating your degree is a notifiable event. Notifiable events must be actioned in the required timeframes set out in your Scholarship Agreement.
Accelerating your degree will impact the timeframes set out in your Scholarship Agreement and may also impact the amount of scholarship funding you will receive. For example, if you are an undergraduate CTS recipient who originally planned to complete your undergraduate degree in 4 years, but you decide to accelerate your course and complete it in 3.5 years, the total scholarship funding you will receive will change to $35,000 and your commitment to teach obligation will change to 3.5 years (full-time equivalent). The 10-year timeframe to complete your commitment to teach obligation will start from your new expected completion date.
The same applies for postgraduate students.
Please note, accelerating your degree is different to an alternative exit. Recipients are strongly encouraged to contact the Department of Education before they decide to graduate with an alternative exit degree as this will likely impact their ability to meet their scholarship requirements.
My postgraduate accredited teaching degree will take 18 months to complete. What does this mean for my scholarship?
If the length of your postgraduate accredited teaching degree is 18 months (1.5 years), you will only receive $15,000 in scholarship funding and you will be required to teach for 1.5 years (full-time equivalent) to fulfil your commitment to teach obligation.
Commitment to teach
What schools can I teach in?
You can teach in any government schools or government-run early learning settings in Australia. Once you have completed your commitment to teach, there is no restriction on where you can teach.
Please refer to the relevant state or territory education department website to locate government schools and/or government run early learning settings.
More information about the commitment to teach requirement can be found on the Scholarship requirements page and in the Commitment to Teach Policy.
Are scholarship recipients guaranteed a job?
No. The Australian Government Department of Education does not employ or place teachers in schools. If you are successful in receiving a scholarship, you are responsible for finding employment in a government school or government-run early learning setting. More information about educational settings, teaching standards and employment will be available on the relevant state or territory education websites.
Can I work in part-time or casual teaching roles as part of my commitment to teach requirement?
You can work in full-time, part-time, or casual/relief roles, or a combination of these.
If you teach on a part-time or casual basis, the full-time equivalent requirement must still be fulfilled.
For example, approximately 6.5 years teaching at a part-time rate (approx. 3 days a week for each year) may be equivalent to the 4 years full-time teaching required if you completed an undergraduate accredited teaching degree.
Do I have to work in the same school to meet the commitment to teach?
No. You can work in different government schools or government-run early learning settings to complete your commitment to teach obligations.
What happens if I don’t complete my commitment to teach?
If you accept a scholarship and do not complete your accredited teaching degree program or you do not complete your commitment to teach, you may be required to pay back all, or part of, the scholarship funding received.
Does my professional experience placement teaching count towards my commitment to teach requirement?
No. Any teaching undertaken prior to completion of your accredited teaching degree does not count towards your commitment to teach requirement.
Does teaching prior to graduation under an alternative authorisation to teach arrangement count towards my commitment to teach requirement?
No. Any teaching undertaken prior to completion of your accredited teaching degree, even under an alternative authorisation to teach or permission to teach arrangement, does not count towards your commitment to teach requirement. This includes any teaching undertaken as part of an employment-based pathway.
More information about the commitment to teach requirement can be found on the Scholarship requirements page and in the Commitment to Teach Policy.
More information is available on the Resources pageScholarships
Am I guaranteed a scholarship?
Applications will be checked against eligibility requirements and those that meet the eligibility requirements will be assessed on academic merit.
Meeting the eligibility requirements does not guarantee an applicant a scholarship.
When will I know if I get a scholarship?
Eligible applications will be assessed after the Round 2 application process closes on Monday 13 January 2025. Application outcomes will not be communicated until all applications have been assessed.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications sometime between February and June 2025. As this may occur after university census dates, applicants should not rely on receiving a scholarship when making decisions about their studies.
All scholarships will be awarded before 30 June 2025.
Find more information on eligibility and applyingCan I challenge the outcome?
No. The decision to award a scholarship is final and feedback on unsuccessful applications will not be provided. There is no appeal mechanism.
Can I defer my scholarship?
Deferral of your scholarship will be considered in exceptional circumstances. If you choose to defer your studies, you will need to seek approval from your higher education provider. Please note that an approved deferral from your higher education provider does not guarantee approval of deferral of your scholarship by the Department of Education.
Requests to defer will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and you will be required to provide suitable evidence to support your deferral request.
Deferrals cannot exceed 12-months and you cannot defer the start of your accredited teaching degree.
In cases where a deferral request has been approved, the duration of your deferral will reduce the time you have to complete your commitment to teach obligation.
Please refer to the Deferral Policy for more information.
Can I accept the Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship in conjunction with other scholarships or incentive programs?
If you apply for a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship, you can also apply for other scholarships or incentive programs. However, you must check that there are no restrictions and that you can meet the requirements of all programs.
International students
I’m studying at an overseas university, can I apply?
No. You must be living in Australia and enrolled in an accredited teaching degree at an Australian higher education provider. You can check which programs are accredited on the AITSL website.
Learn more on the AITSL websiteI have a teaching degree from another country, and I want to teach in Australia. Can I apply?
If you already have a teaching degree from another country and wish to teach in Australia, you may be interested in the information on the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) website.
If you are not able to have your overseas qualification recognised and need to undertake an accredited teaching degree to be able to teach in Australia, you may be eligible to apply if you meet all other eligibility criteria.
Can I provide academic evidence from an international school or institution in my application?
Yes. You can submit evidence from an international school or institution. You will need to provide an official academic statement from your institution that includes your GPA, overall score or grades.
If your international academic evidence does not include a GPA, WAM or overall numeric grade, an equivalent score will be calculated on your behalf.
Learn more about eligibilityRemote Placement Payment
What is the remote placement payment?
A top up payment of $2,000 may be available to scholarship recipients who undertake a final-year professional experience placement in a government school or government-run early learning setting in a remote area.
Due to the limited number of top up payments available, there is no guarantee you will receive a top up payment even if you undertake a placement in a remote area.
For more information, please check out the Additional Payment for Remote Professional Experience Placements Policy on the Resources page.
When will I get paid?
Scholarship payments will be made once a Scholarship Agreement has been signed and correct financial information has been collected.
Yearly payments of up to $10,000 will be made once evidence of continued full-time enrolment in an accredited teaching degree is provided.
Payments will be made in a timely manner, however, please be aware that the volume of scholarship applications may delay this process.
Are scholarships taxable?
Due to the different circumstances of each individual recipient, the Australian Government Department of Education is not able to give definitive advice about the tax treatment of this scholarship and whether income tax is payable on any scholarship payments you receive from us.
Under table item 2.1A in section 51-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, a scholarship to a full-time student at a university is exempt from income tax in a range of circumstances. However, as noted above, this may differ based on individual circumstances.
You are encouraged to seek appropriate, independent and qualified financial, taxation and legal advice if you are offered a Scholarship Agreement, so you are fully aware of the implications of accepting a scholarship and your obligations.
The Department of Education is unable to provide further advice on this matter and you will need to seek your own advice from the Australian Taxation Office or a qualified tax specialist with reference to your own particular circumstances.
Will the scholarship affect my Centrelink payments?
Depending on your situation, some or all of the scholarship payment amount may constitute ordinary income for social security law purposes and may impact the rate at which a person receives a social security payment. You will need to seek your own advice from Centrelink or Services Australia with reference to your own particular circumstances.
What can I spend the scholarship funding on?
The scholarship is designed to provide financial support to new teacher education students. There are no restrictions on how you spend the scholarship funding as each recipient’s personal circumstances will differ, with support potentially needed across a range of areas.
Student supports
What happens if I have trouble managing my study load?
Before applying you should visit the Study Assist website, so you know what to expect when studying full-time at the university level. The website has several student support resources as well as a comprehensive guide to higher education.
Alternatively, you may be able to access student support services from your higher education provider.
Scholarship recipients must maintain a full-time study load during their entire teaching degree. Changing your study load to part-time will result in your scholarship being withdrawn and you may have to repay any scholarship funding already received.
Visit Study Assist for more informationWhat if I need to defer my studies?
If you choose to defer your teaching degree and receive approval from your higher education provider, you will need to seek approval from the Department of Education to defer your scholarship.
Deferral of the scholarship will be granted on a case-by-case basis in exceptional circumstances. Deferrals cannot exceed 12-months and you cannot defer the start of your accredited teaching degree.
If your application to defer your scholarship is not granted, then your scholarship may be withdrawn, and you may need to repay scholarship funding already received.
What happens if I need additional support?
If you feel that you or your family need extra support or would like someone to talk to about your concerns, you might like to consider an independent counselling service.
Private and confidential support is available from:
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- Beyondblue on 1300 224 636
- Headspace on 1800 650 890
- Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
- 13YARN on 13 92 76 (operated by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)
- 1800respect on 1800 737 732.
Alternatively, if you need additional support, you may be able to access student support services from your higher education provider.