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Issues Paper for the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools
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In line with the terms of reference, an issues paper was prepared which described the context and objectives of the Review and posed a series of questions intended to stimulate thinking around how success can be defined and measured, what can be d
Trailblazer Newsletter
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The newsletter provides the latest updates on the Trailblazer Universities Program.
More opportunities for regional Australia
The Australian Government’s Job-ready Graduates package (the package) invests in higher education in areas of national priority and ensures our higher education system delivers the best results for students, industry and the community.
Victoria University - The Socio-Economic Status (SES) score methodology used in recurrent school funding arrangements – Research Paper
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Victoria University - The Socio-Economic Status (SES) score methodology used in recurrent school funding arrangements – Research Paper
Review to achieve educational excellence in Australian Schools Terms of Reference
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Terms of reference for the Review to achieve educational excellence in Australian Schools
Terms of Reference: Review of the socio-economic status score methodology
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Terms of Reference: Review of the socio-economic status score methodology
Stability of Incomes for small geographies, University of Canberra, Canberra
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Stability of Incomes for small geographies, University of Canberra, Canberra
Review of the socio-economic status score methodology - Issues paper
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Review of the socio-economic status score methodology - Issues paper
Connected Beginnings
Connected Beginnings is an Australian Government grants program that helps Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children get the best start to life.
Celebrate teachers this World Teachers’ Day!
Teachers can make a real difference to the lives of young people and their work has a lasting impact beyond the classroom. World Teachers’ Day is a great time to recognise the hard work and dedication of teachers.
Celebrate teachers this World Teachers’ Day!
World Teachers’ Day in Australia is today! People are encouraged to come together to celebrate teachers and the amazing work they do each day to give students the best future possible.
Connected Beginnings sites
Connected Beginnings is supporting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children at 50 sites across Australia.
The potential for including school income and wealth in a measure of capacity to contribute, Victoria University, Melbourne
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The potential for including school income and wealth in a measure of capacity to contribute, Victoria University, Melbourne
The potential for including household wealth in a measure of capacity to contribute, Victoria University, Melbourne
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The potential for including household wealth in a measure of capacity to contribute, Victoria University, Melbourne
National Student Ombudsman now taking complaints
As of 1 February 2025, students are now able to escalate complaints to the National Student Ombudsman about the actions of their higher education provider.
RUSH Infographic
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An infographic visualising key facts and statistics about the Regional University Study Hubs Program.
Useful tips for getting started at university
Starting university this year? While it is an exciting time, it can present challenges around moving out of home, figuring out your course load or adjusting to life on campus.