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Research Infrastructure Review
The Research Infrastructure Review was established to advise the Australian Government on future research infrastructure provision and requirements to support research.
Civics and Citizenship Education Hub now available
The Civics and Citizenship Education Hub (CCE Hub), a platform that connects teachers with resources, events and programs to support civics and citizenship education in schools has been launched.
Joint Communique 2nd Australia-India Education and Skills Council October 2024
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The second meeting of the Australia-India Education and Skills Council was held in Sydney, Australia on 24 October 2024.
Queensland floods: 7 new LGAs added to CCS period of emergency
We’ve added 7 extra local government areas (LGA) to the declared Child Care Subsidy (CCS) period of emergency in parts of Queensland due to the impact of flooding.
National Industry PhD Program February 2025 Report
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As at February 2025, the Program has funded a total of 198 industry PhD awards over four rounds, with a total of 537 applications assessed from 36 different universities.
Victorian fires: CCS period of emergency declared
We’ve declared a Child Care Subsidy (CCS) period of emergency in parts of Victoria where some services have been directed to close due to the impact of fires.
New resources available for teachers Australia-wide
The Australian Government has released a new set of free online resources, developed by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) to help teachers further develop their skills in managing behaviour and minimising disruption in the clas
More support for worker retention payment applicants
The Australian Government has announced $10 million to fund organisations to help early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers engage with the worker retention payment.