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Managing session reports from previous financial years
Providers can apply to submit, update or withdraw session reports from a previous financial year.
Taking all reasonable steps to collect gap fees
Providers should have policies and procedures to show that they are taking all reasonable steps to collect gap fees using electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Collecting gap fees
Providers must take all reasonable steps to collect gap fees from families electronically. This is a requirement under Family Assistance Law (FAL).
Persons with management or control
Early childhood education and care providers have specific legal obligations. These obligations are imposed upon certain people. We call these people ‘persons with management or control of the provider’.
Persons with management or control by organisation type
Persons with management or control of the provider (PMC) complete specific legal obligations for a provider. This page outlines who is considered a PMC depending on the providers’ organisation type.
Managing overpayments and debt
Providers who administer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) may sometimes receive more subsidy than they're entitled to. This page explains how we manage overpayments and debts.
Child Care Subsidy Financial Integrity Strategy
The Australian Government is committed to ensuring investment in the early childhood education and care sector is used appropriately. Family Assistance Law (FAL) sets the rules for administering Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Entitlements when caring for own children or siblings
Watch this video to learn about the rules for Family Day Care educators who care for their own children or siblings.
Educators who are not providing care
Watch this video to learn what to do when a Family Day Care or In Home Care educator is absent or is not providing care.
Caring for relatives – the less than 50% rule
Watch this video to learn about the rules for Family Day Care educators who care for relatives in their extended family.
Charging fees
Watch this video to ensure you submit accurate and complete session reports, including the correct fee, for each session of care.
Background checks
Watch this video to learn what background checks you and your relevant staff need.
Fit and proper person
Watch this video to learn about the people in your organisation who must be fit and proper.