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China expands efforts to improve applied research capacity
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A summary of China's expanded efforts to improve applied research capacity at Chinese universities, including an overview of the 111 Project and a list of approved 111 Project bases in high-ranked, national universities.
Ability English
Ability Education Pty Ltd [01530K], trading as Ability English, defaulted on Tuesday 27 April 2021 and did not meet its obligations to its international students.
EC English Australia Pty Ltd
EC English Australia Pty Ltd [03812F], trading as EC English, defaulted on Wednesday 24 March 2021.
Practicum exchange network communication toolkit – services
This kit has information and materials about the practicum exchange network. It is for organisations that support early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers and services.
Financial Reports of Higher Education Providers
Financial information including financial performance, financial position and cash flows for higher education providers derived from institutions financial statements.
Brief Guide to Visual Analytics Using Power BI
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The Department publishes University finance data through visual analytics using Microsoft Power BI.
JP International College Pty Limited
JP International College Pty Limited [03190J] entered liquidation on Tuesday 23 July 2024. Cathro & Partners Pty Ltd has been appointed as the liquidator.
Finance 2022: Financial Reports of Higher Education Providers
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Financial information for the 2022 year including financial performance, financial position and cash flows for higher education providers derived from institutions financial statements.
The Higher Education Standards Panel membership
The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) is a legislative advisory body under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011, with responsibility related to the standards applying in higher education in Australia.
Scaling Up Success in Remote Schools Program
On 29 June 2023, the Australian Government entered into an agreement with the Western Australian Department of Education to deliver the Scaling Up Success in Remote Schools Program, one of three programs under the Closing the Gap - Scaling Up
HESP role and responsibilities
The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) provides independent advice to the Minister(s) responsible for tertiary education and research.
Higher Education Standards Framework
The Higher Education Standards Framework Threshold Standards sets the standards that a provider must meet and continue to meet to be registered to operate as a higher education provider in Australia.
Startup Year
The Australian Government has established Startup Year to support students’ participation in startup courses at Australian higher education providers, which will encourage innovation and support Australia’s startup community, including social inno
China's negative lists suggest foreign-owned academic vocational training institutions in FTZs may be possible
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A summary and short analysis of the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce's publications, the "Special Administrative Measures on Access to Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2020 edition)" and the "Pilot Fre
VSL Students
The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) assists VET Student Loans (VSL) students whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study.
Partnership to improve outcomes for First Nations children extended
The Australian Government has announced $11.4 million to extend the Early Childhood Care and Development Policy Partnership (ECCDPP) for another 3-year term to 30 June 2028.
China propose draft regulation on employment and management of foreign teachers in the country
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A summary and unofficial translation of the draft regulation "Measures for the Employment and Management of Foreign Teachers (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)", released by the Chinese Ministries of Education, Science and Technology, Public Sec
2024 Targeted Round Application Guide - Suburban University Study Hubs
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The 2024 Targeted Round Application Guide contains detailed information about the application and assessment process for the 2024 Targeted Round to assist applicants in preparing their application.