Professional Pathways

Special funding rates for courses leading to professional registration in psychology and social work.

Professional pathways are separate Commonwealth Grant Scheme funding rates for psychology and social work (including for students in youth work, counselling, and community work) courses that directly lead to professional employment. These pathways were introduced in 2021.

Students enrolled in professional pathways pay less for their course, while higher education providers get a higher Commonwealth contribution from the Australian Government.

In 2024 these funding rates are:

  • Maximum student contribution amount: $8,948 per EFTSL.
  • Commonwealth contribution amount: $14,915 per EFTSL.

The Department of Education must approve courses as a professional pathway. Courses that are not approved are not eligible for the respective funding rates. Courses currently approved by the department, as well as the approval process, are detailed on this page.

Professional Pathway Psychology courses

If students are enrolled in a Professional Pathway Psychology course, all units in Behavioural Science (fields of education (FOE) codes starting with 0907) will be considered part of the professional pathway. Non-Behavioural Science units in the course will be charged at their nominal rate.

To be eligible for Professional Pathway Psychology funding rates, a course must meet all the following the criteria:

  • Be a bachelor or bachelor honours degree,
  • Have a course structure that makes it compulsory for students to study units relevant to professional registration as a psychologist by the Psychology Board of Australia, and
  • Be accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC).

View the current list of courses approved by the department at Professional Pathway Psychology Approved Course List.

Professional Pathway Social Work courses

If students are enrolled in a Professional Pathway Social Work course, all units in Human Welfare Studies and Services (FOE codes starting with 0905) will be considered part of the professional pathway. Non-Human Welfare Studies and Services units in the course will be charged at their nominal rate.

To be eligible for Professional Pathway Social Work funding rates, a course must meet all the following criteria:

View the current list of courses approved by the department at Professional Pathway Social Work Approved Course List.

How to Apply

Higher education providers must apply to the department to have their course approved as a professional pathway. Students enrolled in these courses do not need to take further action.

To seek approval, providers may email an application to the department at anytime during the year. This application should include:

  • The name of the course(s)
  • When the course first commenced/will commence students
  • The professional accreditation status of the course
  • information on the course structure, indicating whether it contains core (mandatory) units in Behavioural Science or Human Welfare Studies and Services.

The department generally assesses requests for new professional pathway courses twice a year prior to the commencement of each semester. If your course requires approval outside these windows, please provide a business case with your application.

Similarly, if you have an existing approved course that has changed names or has since closed, contact the department to request the required updates. Courses which have closed will only be removed if there are no students currently enrolled. Courses still in teach-out must have their approval maintained to ensure continuing students are charged the appropriate student contribution rates.

For more information about professional pathways, please contact