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Early Years Strategy
The Australian Government has developed an Early Years Strategy. It sets out the government’s vision to best support Australia’s children and their families in the early years.
Service types
There are 4 early childhood education and care service types that can administer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
In Home Care eligibility
In Home Care (IHC) is for families who can’t access other approved forms of early childhood education and care. It is typically for families who work unusual hours, live in a remote area or have complex needs.
In Home Care session reports
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) applies uniquely to In Home Care (IHC) as payments are made per family, rather than per child. This page outlines how to record and report IHC sessions to ensure CCS can be paid.
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission child care price inquiry
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has delivered its final report to the Australian Government from its inquiry into early childhood education and care (ECEC) prices.
Inclusion Support Program review
In March 2023, we commissioned independent consultants to review the Inclusion Support Program. The review’s final report was released in November 2023.
Community Child Care Fund restricted grant review
In 2023, the department commissioned Deloitte to review the Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) restricted grant. Deloitte worked in partnership with SNAICC and Murawin.
In Home Care Support Agencies
In Home Care (IHC) is delivered by IHC Support Agencies in each state and territory. IHC Support Agencies assess eligibility for the program and connect eligible families with high quality services.
Productivity Commission inquiry
The Productivity Commission is conducting an inquiry into Australia’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) system.
In Home Care review
In March 2023, the department commissioned an independent external review of the In Home Care (IHC) program. In November 2023, we published the final report.
In home care
In Home Care change of circumstances
Families that use In Home Care (IHC) must notify their IHC Support Agency if their circumstances change.
National Quality Framework
The National Quality Framework (NQF) is Australia’s system for regulating early childhood education and care. It provides a national approach to regulation, assessment and quality improvement.
Preschool Reform Agreement
The Australian Government and all states and territories have agreed to the Preschool Reform Agreement. It is a $2 billion, four-year national reform agreement.
Children who engage in a quality preschool program are generally better prepared to start primary school and progress through life.
Previous funding arrangements
Between 2008 and 2021, the Australian Government funded state and territory governments to provide quality preschool programs through the Universal Access National Partnership (UANP).
Best practice methods for retaining students in regional, rural and remote areas to Year 12, 2024
Resource |
The report investigates and explores best practice methods for retaining students in regional, rural and remote areas to Year 12.
Approved learning frameworks
The National Quality Framework includes two approved learning frameworks that support and promote children’s learning.
Expert advisory group
The Preschool Outcomes Measure expert advisory group advises the Australian Government on how to measure the benefits of preschool.
About Child Care Subsidy data
This page provides information to help you understand and interpret data about the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). It includes data sources, definitions and technical notes.
Child Care Subsidy data report – March quarter 2024
This report provides a snapshot of Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approved care over the March quarter 2024.