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Sino-Australian Vocational Education and Training cooperation
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Report on Sino-Australian Vocational Education and Training cooperation
Sino-Australian Vocational Education and Training cooperation (Chinese Translation)
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Report on Sino-Australian Vocational Education and Training cooperation
Strengthening English Language Outcomes for International Students
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The ELICOS Standards 2018 set nationally consistent levels of quality.
Guiding Principles for VET in Schools delivered to overseas students
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The Department of Education considers that VET in schools may be delivered to overseas students under particular conditions.
Foundation Program Standards
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The National Standards for Foundation Programs must be met by all foundation program providers wanting to be registered on CRICOS.
Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 - Submissions
On 31 March 2021, the former Hon Alan Tudge MP, Former Minister for Education and Youth, called for public submissions in response to a Consultation Paper on the new Australian Strategy for International Education to 2030.
Associated Christian Schools
Associated Christian Schools - Submission to the Consultation on Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030
General Factsheet
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The revised National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 commenced on 1 January 2018.
Standard 1: Marketing information and practices
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Standard 1 of the National Code sets out that registered providers must uphold the integrity and reputation of Australia’s education industry.
Standard 2: Recruitment of an overseas student
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Standard 2 of the National Code sets out that registered providers must recruit students responsibly.
Standard 3: Formalisation of enrolment and written agreements
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Standard 3 sets out that registered providers must formalise their enrolment of overseas students through written agreements with overseas students.
Standard 4: Education Agents
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Standard 4 sets out that registered providers must ensure that their education agents act ethically, honestly and in the best interests of overseas students, and uphold the reputation of Australia's international education sector.
Standard 5: Younger overseas students
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Standard 5 sets out that registered providers of overseas students aged under 18 must meet legislative or other regulatory requirements relating to child welfare and protection.
Standard 6: Overseas student support services
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Standard 6 sets out that registered providers must assist overseas students to adjust to study and life in Australia.
Standard 7: Overseas student transfers
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Standard 7 sets out overseas student transfer requirements registered providers must follow.
Standard 8: Overseas student visa requirements
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Standard 8 sets out that registered providers must safeguard the integrity of Australia’s migration laws.