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National Assessment Program
The National Assessment Program (NAP) consists of both the domestic and international school assessments which all Education Ministers have agreed to participate in at a national level. These assessments are outlined below.
Education Funding System Project
The Australian Government is investing $91.7 million in a new technology platform to improve the way we administer close to $51 billion of funding each year to Australian schools and higher education institutions, optimising Australia’s education
Students with disability
The Australian Government supports the rights of students with disability to have the same educational opportunities as students without disability.
Council for International Education
The Council for International Education supports a high quality, innovative and sustainable international education sector.
Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships
Applications for Round 2 have now closed. If you are interested in receiving key dates and information about the program, don’t forget to register for updates.
Welcome to the Department of Education
The Department of Education contributes to Australia's economic prosperity and social wellbeing by creating opportunities and driving better outcomes through access to quality education and learning.
Early Childhood
In Australia, early childhood education and care is delivered by providers and services in the states and territories and subsidised by the Australian Government.
Trailblazer Universities Program
The Australian Government is building new research capabilities, driving commercialisation outcomes and investing in new industry engagement opportunities through the $370.3 million Trailblazer Universities Program (2022–2023 to 2025–2026).
Tertiary Access Payment
The Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) is a non-indexed, means-tested payment to school-leavers from regional or remote areas who need to relocate for full-time, higher-level tertiary education (Certificate IV and above) at an education provider l
Destination Australia Cheung Kong Exchange Program
The Destination Australia Cheung Kong Exchange Program supports Australian universities to offer short-term mobility scholarship opportunities for outbound students from Australia and inbound students from Asia.
Early Learning Languages Australia
The Early Learning Languages Australia program (ELLA) program is a digital, play-based program which includes a series of interactive applications (apps), aimed at making language learning engaging and interesting to young children in
Support for Students Policy
The Australian Government is committed to helping higher education students succeed in their studies.
National School Resourcing Board
The National School Resourcing Board provides independent oversight of different parts of the Commonwealth schools funding model.
Access and Participation
Access and Participation programs are available to help Australians who want to attend university, regardless of circumstances, background or location.
Regional University Study Hubs
Regional University Study Hubs help students in regional and remote areas access higher education without having to leave their community. They provide student support and study facilities for students who study online.
National Student Ombudsman
The National Student Ombudsman is now able to receive and investigate complaints from higher education students about the actions of their higher education provider.
Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education
On 23 February 2024, Education Ministers agreed to and released the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education (the Action Plan).