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Early childhood COVID-19 support by region
Child care services in the below regions were able to waive gap fees, access additional allowable absences and get business continuity payments for the dates indicated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 and early childhood
The Australian Government provided support to the early childhood education and care sector throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Targeted COVID-19 support has ended.
Inclusion Agencies
Inclusion Agencies deliver the Inclusion Support Program. These agencies provide support and advice to early childhood education and care services to help them address barriers to inclusion.
Inclusion Support Portal
The Inclusion Support Portal (IS Portal) is the online platform where early childhood education and care services interact with the Inclusion Support Program.
Business support
We provide free business support to Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) grant recipients to help them review and improve their financial viability and sustainability.
Inclusion Development Fund
The Inclusion Development Fund provides funding to help services address barriers to inclusion that cannot be resolved by support from an Inclusion Agency or the Specialist Equipment Library.
Child care discount for early childhood workforce
Child care providers can choose to offer a discounted fee to educators or cooks they employ whose children are enrolled at one of their services. The discount will not affect the employee’s Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlement.
National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy
The National Children’s Education and Care Workforce Strategy aims to foster a sustainable and high-quality workforce of early childhood teachers and educators.
Support for the early childhood workforce
See what we’re doing to build a high-quality and sustainable early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce.
Worker retention payment minimum rates
Providers who get the worker retention payment must pass funding on to eligible workers as a wage increase. This page outlines the minimum rates providers must pass on.
Early childhood workforce
Quality outcomes for children depend on a highly skilled, well-supported and professionally recognised early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce.
Budget 2024–25: New integrity measures for strong and sustainable foundations
The Australian Government is deploying a range of new integrity measures to ensure the early childhood education and care system is on strong and sustainable foundations for future reform.
Providing early childhood education and care
The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is paid to early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers who pass it on to families as a fee reduction.
International House Sydney - International Students Information Session Slides
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These slides were presented during the International House Sydney online information session on 21 January 2025.