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Priority Area 2, Action 11: LANTITE trial changes to be made permanent
Following a 12-month Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) trial, Education Ministers have agreed to permanently remove test limits for candidates sitting the LANTITE.
Changes to private school regulations in China
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An overview of advice provided by the Chinese government on policy updates effecting private schools in China.
Regional Education Commissioner reappointed
Australia’s first Regional Education Commissioner, the Hon Fiona Nash, has been reappointed for a further two years.
NRREEWG Meeting Communique – 22 November 2024
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National Respectful Relationships Education Expert Group Meeting Communique – 22 November 2024
Report released by ACER on the performance of Australia’s year 4 and 8 students in science and maths
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has released a report analysing the performance of Australia’s year 4 and 8 students in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
User experience and research
The Education Funding System (EFS) Project is based on a user-centred design approach, ensuring the delivery of a fit-for-purpose and valuable platform.
EFS concept of operations
A Concepts of Operations infographic has been developed to visually represent how the new system will function within the complex ecosystem of education funding arrangements.
EFS Project delivery
The EFS Project has adopted an iterative approach for delivery of the new system, which will realise benefits throughout the project’s lifecycle.
2024-25 Supplementary Budget Estimates Hot Topic Briefs
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Copies of the Department of Education's Hot Topic Briefs for the 2024-25 Supplementary Budget Estimates.
EFS concept of operations infographic
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The Concept of Operations identifies the core aspects of the EFS and how users will interact with each other and the system.
Making HELP and student loan repayments fairer
On 2 November 2024 the Australian Government announced changes to repayments for the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and other student loan schemes.
20% reduction of student loan debt
On 3 November 2024 the Australian Government announced it will reduce every Australian’s HELP or student loan debt by 20%.
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) - Indexation Credit
The Government has made changes to reduce the indexation that is applied to HELP (and other student loan schemes).
Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education – Questions and Answers for test candidates
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Frequently asked questions about the LANTITE for all test candidates.
2024–25 practicum exchange living allowance guidelines
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These guidelines contain information about the 2024–25 practicum exchange living allowance.
World-class research producing more sustainable products
Australia’s universities are home to some of the brightest minds in the world, consistently generating breakthroughs that can transform industries and services to create the jobs of tomorrow.
China’s Personal Information Protection Law
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This policy update outlines some aspects of China’s Personal Information Protection Law, which came into effect on 1 November 2021.