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International student monthly summary
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Emergency support by region
See a list of regions and timeframes where we’ve declared a Child Care Subsidy (CCS) period of emergency for the early childhood education and care sector.
How to manage session reports
Child care providers must submit accurate session reports on time – it’s the law. Services Australia uses session reports to calculate and process Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments.
Reporting third-party payments
Families who receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) must make a co-contribution to their early childhood education and care fees. They do this by paying the gap fee.
Providing care to relatives
There are rules around claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for Family Day Care (FDC) and In Home Care educators who care for relatives.
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred: CCS period of emergency extended
We’ve extended the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) period of emergency in parts of Queensland and New South Wales affected by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Statements of entitlement
Providers must issue a statement of entitlement to families who get Child Care Subsidy (CCS) at their service.
Suspension of approvals
Your National Law or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approvals can be suspended. Approval may be suspended if you don’t comply with your obligations or following a voluntary request.
Enforcement action register
We take enforcement action against early childhood education and care providers and services who do not comply with Family Assistance Law. We may publish details of our enforcement action in the public interest.
Priority areas for disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant
The disadvantaged and vulnerable communities grant helps services stay open and increase the number of children in early childhood education and care (ECEC). The grant is open to services in identified priority areas.
Help in an emergency
Help is available for families and early childhood education and care services in an emergency, like bushfires, cyclones, or floods. Support includes gap fee waivers, extra absences and support for service closures.
Reporting serious incidents
Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) restricted grant recipients must report serious incidents to us and state and territory authorities.
Reporting work health and safety incidents
Learn about your obligations under Work Health and Safety (WHS) law if you are a Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) restricted grant recipient.
Worker retention payment communication toolkit
This toolkit has information and materials to help providers, services and stakeholders communicate about the worker retention payment.
National Workforce Census
The Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census helps us develop and measure policies and programs for the early childhood education and care sector.
Child wellbeing
Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) child wellbeing provides help with the cost of early childhood education and care. It’s for families who care for a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
2021 National Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Census
The fourth Early Childhood Education and Care National Workforce Census took place in 2021.